Hi, I’m Alisha (Councilor – Ward 2 candidate). I am born and raised in Norwich. I’ve been a part of various elements of Norwich and Oxford County over the years. I serviced on the Oxford County Community Health Center board of directors for eight years, including my recent role as board chair. I have volunteered in and around Norwich for years, including for sports teams (playing and coaching), garbage clean ups, community gardens, and fundraising/advocacy (e.g. fundraising for Autism Ontario). Professionally, I am a business owner (consulting and therapy) and post-secondary professor (college and university). I am a researcher (completing my PhD in social work – focusing on autism and the public education system) and am passionate about mental health and wellness. I believe in a safe and inclusive municipality for all and that means one that has leadership leaning into the work to ensure practices support equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility requirements. This will help pave the way for wellness for all ages, economic sustainability, and growth. We are a beautiful community and we can link arms and continue with the work for this beautiful village of Norwich.

2) With all the young students at Emily Stowe, Do you support a New High School? I need more information.
Is this regarding a public secondary school? Through Thames Valley District School Board?
It was closed, so it would be dependent of TVDSB. I would support ongoing data collection of TVDSB and support in a way that is appropriate for the municipality and advocate if that is the need.
3) With hate crimes on the rise in Norwich, do you support a greater police presence in Norwich?
4) With the increased traffic on HWY 59 through town. Do you support traffic calming measures?
5) How would you support Merchants (stores and business) in town?
The BIA does a great job. I would aim not to micromanage the BIA, and to support their initiatives.
6) Would you support merchants if they opened their establishments on Sunday?
7) Do you support the charter of rights and freedoms (I.e. race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability etc)?
Without doubt. I support this and also walk to talk.