Lynne DePlancke – Ward 2 Councillor Candidate

I have lived in this community all my live. My husband Randy and I have been married for 43 years and have 3 grown children, all still residing in our municipality. We have also been blessed with 5 grandsons and number 6 on the way. I’ve operated my home-based hairstyling business out of my home for over 40 years allowing me to work from home and raise my children at the same time. I’ve been your elected Councillor for Ward 2, for the past 4 terms of council (16 years). I’ve sat on several boards and committees over this time such as the Accessibility, Municipal Heritage, ERTH, and continue to be on the BIA, Chamber of Commerce and Oxford County Cycling. I’m an active Branch 190 Legion member, volunteering at functions to help raise money for a much-needed elevator and accessible washrooms. This election I’ve decided to step up and put my “hat” in the ring.
With all the young students at Emily Stowe, Do you support a New High School?
Of course, I would support a new High School. We did have a high school in Norwich, but after a long, hard fought Accommodation Review, with Thames Valley School Board, it was closed and became what is now Emily Stowe Elementary School. To revisit the idea of a high school would be a decision of the school board not the municipality.
With hate crimes on the rise in Norwich, do you support a greater police presence in Norwich?
A greater police presence always comes up in conversation with residents, when the question of “what would you like to see in the Township?”. We all feel safer when the police are more visible. It not only reduces crime but simply the perceived threat of crime. The more visible they are it could help strengthen police-community relations as well.
With the increased traffic on HWY 59 through town. Do you support traffic calming measures?
Speeding is, and continues to be an issue in the downtown core of the village as well several other areas of the Township. The County of Oxford has incorporated designated reduce speed flashing lights on Stover Street South and Main Street East to accommodate the 2 local schools. hopefully the enhancement OPP officer contract we have agreed to enter into, will help us deal with these ongoing issues…..time will tell.
How would you support Merchants (stores and business) in town?
The BIA has, and continues to offer support to the downtown beautification and advertising of the businesses. The BIA is a Committee of Council and we (council) should support them with the events and decisions they bring forward. A simple way to support them is by shopping local which in turn strengthens our local economy and creates jobs.
Would you support merchants if they opened their establishments on Sunday?
I would support businesses that wish to be open on Sunday. It’s a personal choice for the retailers as well as the shopper. For some businesses it could be the busiest day of the week. With people working all kinds of shifts these days the option of 7-day shopping could be very appealing for some.
Do you support the charter of rights and freedoms (I.e. race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability etc).
Yes, I strongly support the charter of rights and freedoms. It forms part of our constitution, the highest law in all of Canada. Without this charter we wouldn’t be a free and democratic society.