Emily Stowe

CMHF Dr. Emily Stowe 2018 Laureate

Dr. Emily Stowe. A Norwichian and a leader in woman’s rights. In 1865 Emily Stowe applied to the Toronto School of Medicine. She was denied entry. Unable to study in Canada, she moved to the United States and enrolled at the New York Medical College for Women. She obtained her degree in 1867 and returned to Canada, setting up her practice in Toronto. Dr. Stowe became the first woman in Canada to establish a medical practice. For many years she was forced to practice without a license. She persevered, and on July 16, 1880 the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario granted her a medical license. Dr. Stowe died in 1903 and is still remembered as a teacher, physician and a defender of women’s rights. She was a champion for women in medicine.

The Emily Stowe public school in Norwich was named after her due to her efforts on behalf of women. Emily Stowe was part of the movement that made women equals in the eyes of the law. Previously women were chattel of their husbands, property unable to vote or have rights. Through Emily Stowe and her successors justice was fought for on behalf of all women.

JENNINGS, EMILY HOWARD (Stowe), schoolteacher and principal, physician, ; born  May 1st 1831 in Norwich, Ontario, eldest child of Hannah Lossing Howard and Solomon Jennings.

Emily Stowe Public School

Address: 1 Jerdon St, Norwich, ON N0J 1P0
Phone: (519) 468-0201