High School, Police & Medical

Norwich, Ontario does not have a police detachment nor does it have a high school. We bus our children a very long way for their education (Woodstock or Delhi). With the ever growing subdivisions and population of young children in our town, let us work to rectify these deficiencies. Often large new subdivisions can contribute to the cost (e.g. land). We are three times the size of Delhi (population), yet many of our children are bused to Norfolk. Doesn’t seem appropriate.

If you need the police service call the Police (OPP Tillsonburg) at Phone: (519) 688-6540. Emergency Medical or Police at 911.

In comparing the Town of Norwich to another similar community “Port Perry”, we can look at comparables. Norwich is about 25 Km from Woodstock, and Port Perry is about 25 Km from Whitby. Norwich is slightly bigger in terms of population in relation to Port Perry, and has grown in recent years.

ItemPort PerryNorwich
Population9,453 (2016)11,001 (2016)
High SchoolYesNo
Police StationYesNo
Tax Rate0.0155%0.0111%
Our tax rate is lower, but does that make up for the lack of amenities? Be nice to have police and a high school in Norwich.


Police presence within the Town of Norwich would be nice, especially as we are approaching 15,000 strong.

We see all the young children in the town of Norwich. A very high number of Norwichians have young children. Before you know it, they will be teenagers. Let us build the infrastructure for the Future of Norwich. If we continue to approve the subdivisions, we can certainly approve the infrastructure to support our children.

It is rather odd for such a large Ontario town to Lack a high school, police presence and medical services (such as a satellite unit of the Tillsonburg hospital for emergency services).

Please feel free to respond to this commentary at admin@norwichontario.com

NDHS GOTS A FEELIN Lip Sync and Grad Video

A film created at the Norwich High School before closure.