Our stand is open! Come by for fresh spinach, mushrooms, red beets, green onions, eggs and local honey! We also have FLOWERS! Pansy bowls and flats and potted spring bulbs!

Arbour View Acres is a small enterprise, family-owned by Chris and Johanna Stubbe, located near Norwich, Ontario. We raise a variety of vegetables and other farm goodies following natural, sustainable agriculture practices. We believe this results in good food that’s also good for you!
Arbour View Acres runs a CSA subscription organic market garden, providing a variety of fresh, organic produce to subscribing members.
What is CSA? Community Supported Agriculture is sometimes known as “subscription farming.” A CSA is a group of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the food produced is “shared” among the community, with the grower and consumers sharing the risks and benefits of food production.
Each subscriber helps support local small farmers and keeps food dollars within local communities. And, when members obtain food from local farmers, environmental costs associated with the transport, processing, and distribution of food, and the consumption of fossil fuels, are significantly reduced. Community Supported Agriculture: good for farmers, good for consumers, and good for the environment.
Our CSA members’ support helps cover the start-up costs of our farm operation. In return, they receive shares in the farm’s bounty throughout the growing season, as well as satisfaction gained from reconnecting to the land and participating directly in food production.
When you order from us, you are eating the same food we do!