My name is Val Haley (Ward 1 Councillor Candidate). I live on the Haley family beef farm on the west end of Springford with my son, daughter-in-law and 4 grandsons, who are 9th generation on the farm. I have lived in Springford for 43 years. I had my own hair dressing business for 15 years while raising my daughter and son. I have also worked at the RBC in Otterville for 7 yrs. Currently and for the last 12 years I am a School bus driver for Langs in Norwich Twp.
I have spent most of my life volunteering in my community, 4-H leader, Brownie leader, Past President of the Otter-Valley Lions, Past President of the Otterville Optimist Club, Springford Women’s Institute, Springford Hall Board, Co-Chair of Springford Canada Day committees, Member of the Norwich Legion.
My late father was a Municipal councilor in Blanshard Twp. and Warden of Perth County in 1986, the same year Helen Smith was Warden for Oxford County. ( the only female Warden in Ontario I believe, correct me if I’m wrong)
I now have the time to commit to serving my community as a member of council for The Township of Norwich.
As a school bus driver, I am aware of the number of students in the Elementary Schools, not just Emily Stowe, but South Ridge Public School is almost at capacity as is Westfield and Annandale in Tillsonburg. I am sure the decision to address the need for more schools both elementary and secondary will be something the Thames Valley School board will have to look into. If it is decided one is needed in Norwich, I will support it.
I think a greater police presence in needed in all of Norwich twp. The question is can we afford it?
I have spent the last month going to every door in my ward introducing myself. From Mall Road to Maple Dell Road and Zenda Line to the Norfolk county line. Speed is an issue all over and yes any form of traffic calming measures would be helpful. One I have been made aware of and am interested in pursuing are the Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) that are currently being used in other areas such as Peel.
Even though I am running in Ward 1, once elected I will be representing all of Norwich Twp. That means supporting all Merchants in the township, from Gunns Hill Cheese, to businesses in Burgessville, Otterville and Springford and everywhere in between.
The businesses have a right to be open or not on Sundays. Personally I enjoy spending Sunday with my family or doing as little as possible LOL. If I do need to shop on Sundays, there are options available.
I do support the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. As part of my School Bus Driver Training we are required to take a course on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, as well as on on Sensitivity Awareness. I think all municipal staff and representatives would benefit from these courses.